
These instructions are to help you customize your marketplace website.

In this article we are going to show you how to add links to your main navigation bar. You can also use the same area to delete links and move them around how you like them.

1. Login to your Admin Area: We provide your admin link on the welcome message but you can also access it by going to ( ).

2. Hover over “Appearance” and click “Menus”.

3. You have to ensure you are on the “Main” navigation bar as shown in the image below.

4. You can select from the menu the pages you want to add to the navigation bar. You can select pages on your website, categories or even use an external link.


You can also move the navigation items by simply dragging and dropping them where you want them.


To delete a menu item simply clock the arrow next to the menu item and you will see a red “delete” button.

5. Once you have added the links and moved the menu items how you want them click the blue “Save” button.

6. You are done, your new menu items and order will show on the frontend of your website.

We hope this has helped and if you have any questions or need help get in touch!