
TPTravel Affiliate Template - HTML


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Thank you for purchasing our TPTravel Affiliate HTML Theme. This theme was designed for you to easily create your own travel affiliate website partnering up with TravelPayouts as your affiliate provider.

This is the documentation for this theme and aims to help you get started with your new theme. You can also contact us any time and we will do our best to help.

Domain Name

You will require a domain with control over the DNS to be able to connect to Travel Payouts to create a white-labelled website.We can offer domain names and very good prices, £7.99 for a .com or £6.99 for a

Website Hosting

You will require website hosting to get started as you need an area to be able to upload the files, you will off course also need to be able to connect the domain name to the hosting account. We can provide the hosting for you as that is the main service we offer, you aren't required to use our hosting services but if you wish to check them out go to Smughost and you can get 50% off any shared hosting plan using code "SmugThemes".We recommend getting cPanel hosting as it's very simple to use, this documentation will show cPanel being used.

Basic HTML Understanding

You will benefit from having a basic understanding of HTML as you will quickly understand what elements you need to change and likely won’t even need this documentation. You can still use this theme without as it’s very simple, we try to offer answers for each section and we are here to help if you have any other questions.

Travel Payouts Account

To connect to all of the features such as the search functions, the destination functions ect you will require a travel payouts account, they are the affiliate provider that have been used for this template. They offer many fantastic features and offer a great portal for you to track your success. They will also be the ones paying you for the sales you make.Can you believe it if completely free, also very fast to sign up, sign up now!

1. Login to Travel Payouts

2. Click Programs on the Navbar

3. Scroll and find aviasales and click "Tools"

4. Find and click "White Labels"

1. Go to your file manager

Login to your cPanel or other website hosting account and go to the file manager.Click the image to enlarge.

2. Click "Upload"

The website should be uploaded to the /public_html file. Click the image to enlarge.

3. Click "Upload File" & Select the Template

Select the template file once the dialogue box pops up. Click the image to enlarge.

5. Click "Extract File".

Once the files are extracted they will be available in that folder. Click the image to enlarge.

2. Click the search button in the top nav bar.

3. This is where you will edit the code quickly to make the website yours.

The first box finds the text in the code, the second box is what you are replacing that code with and when you click all it will change all of the same code.1st: Change "WEBSITENAME" to your websites name. 2nd: Change "WEBSITEURL" to your websites address (displayed like, no www, no https://). 3rd: Change "58157" to your TravelPayouts account number 4th: Change "" to the sub domain you setup on Travel Payouts.

4. Now complete them quick changes on all 4 pages.

The contact page onlu required the WEBSITENAME and WEBSITEURL changes.

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You can contact us at any time by email us at

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