
Notes & Paste Tool

We know that sometimes you need to make a quick note, paste a quick code and you want them kept in one simple, safe place. That’s why we have launched the notes & paste tool. Using this tool you can also choose the permission for each note, create an account and go back to them at anytime and make changes.

Create Notes

Using our free to use tool you can simply create notes and even categories each one. On each note you can set the permissions which is very useful in case you need certain notes to be kept safe and private. You can password protect each note or set as private.

Edit Notes

If you choose to sign up for a free account with the tool you can easily go back to notes you have made to either read, use or share but you can also edit them.

Share Notes

You can easily share notes through a few different methods, the best bit is you can securly share notes by password protecting notes, this can be very useful if you need to share notes with co-workers or friends. You can also embed notes onto another page in a simple click or even download the note to keep a copy.

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